
As one of SBR’s programs for guiding our students in helping choose their university for their future education, this year, in cooperation with Vista Education/Liu Media, we held the SBR Education Fair 2017 – World Education Expo at Sekolah Bogor Raya, on Saturday, October 21, 2017, where we had more than 20 universities from Indonesia and overseas participating. This year, we had the pleasure of inviting representatives from a variety of well-known universities from the United States of America (i.e Kansas University, Auburn University, Louisiana State University, Florida International University, University of Central Florida, American University, The University of Chicago At Illinois), the United Kingdom (i.e Coventry University, London South Bank University, Suffolk University), Australia (i.e RMIT, JMC Academy, University of Western Sydney, Monash University, University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne, The University of Sydney, The University of Queensland, The University of Western Australia, UNSW Sydney), Ritsumeikan APU from Japan, SIM from Singapore, BHMS from Switzerland, and of course from Indonesia (UGM – IUP, UI International, IPB, Binus Group, LSPR, SGU, i3L, Sampoerna University, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya).

A highlight this year, were the free workshops and seminars, held exclusively for our students. How to Choose Your Major, How to Make a Standout Essay, Overseas Studies, and a RIASEC Test were among those activities. Later on in the afternoon, open to both the public and SBR students, were sessions such as the IELTS Prediction Test, Aptitude Test, and a seminar on why to choose an international curriculum.
