
SBR Walk 2018 was the third time our school has run the SBR Walk as a whole school, annual event. Established by the Student Council of Sekolah Bogor Raya’s Secondary School, this event aims to create a lasting impact on the community, through fundraising for a cause whilst having immense fun. It was first held in the Bogor Botanical Gardens in 2016; the profits from the event were used to buy trash bins for the city of Bogor. In 2017, the event was held in Sekolah Bogor Raya which was a carnival themed SBR Walk. All of the profits from that year were utilized to fund Kampung Toga (Tanaman Obat Keluarga). The main theme for this year’s SBR Walk 2018 was ‘The SBR Colour Run’. It included a variety of activities that complimented the main event. Some examples of the activities ranged from yoga classes, boot camp, and even K-Pop dancers. This year’s program was still aimed at promoting togetherness between family, friends and a sustainable way of living. It highlighted the need for a healthy lifestyle and an environmentally friendly approach to living. All of the profits from SBR Walk 2018 were channeled to support Mobil Pintar SBR, a mobile library run by Sekolah Bogor Raya’s Community Service program
